Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hardships of Life in the International Zone

Yeah, life can be tough in the IZ.  How tough, you ask?  Well, an Embassy veteran sent my roommate a T-shirt today that lists the top 18 things that get us down.  He showed it to me while I was putting together the previous post.  I thought that you, my dear reader, would need to know this.  Note that the list was obviously put together by somebody of the fair sex.  And for those of you who are IZ vets yourselves, you'll certainly remember these experiences:
18.  The cleaning staff never puts things back the way you like them in the bathroom.
17.  Karaoke is only offered once a week.
16.  When cable TV is out, no Fashion TV.
15.  No drinking while armed.
14.  The cafe barristas put too much nutmeg in your latte.
13.  Manicures and pedicures are only available at lunch and after 1900.
12.  Lobster dinner is only offered once a week.
11.  Have you ever tried to eat lobster with plastic utensils?
10.  It takes a week to get your cashmere sweaters dry cleaned.
9.  Slow internet service in the trailer affects the speed of your online shopping.  
8.  Can't find your car in the parking lot.  (Yes, you have that problem in the States, but imagine a situation where the entire parking lot is filled with the same model SUV's ...)
7.  The PX shelves are empty ... again ...
6.  The dining facility offers only potato wedges, no French fries.
5.  Cell phone coverage is poor in the Embassy coffee shop.
4.  Can't find a "lay-flat" lounge chair at Liberty Pool, only a semi-recliner.
3.  KBR repairman interrupts your mid-day nap to fix the cable TV.
2.  No Baskin-Robbins due to convoy delay.
And the number 1 hardship of life in the IZ:
1.  I went to war and a garrison broke out!

1 comment:

  1. I was stationed in the IZ in 05-06, and you're right. Those sound like things we griped about. Luckily, I traveled a lot and got to put things in perspective when I saw how other people were living. I knew I was blessed to be a soldier stationed in the IZ.
    I could never understand the plastic utensils and hated that the area was treated like garrison. It's like people forgot we were at war.
