Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In The (Wife's) Palace

Saddam Hussein had palaces all over Baghdad. One of them, belonging to one of his wives, is here in the International Zone. It was heavily damaged during the war. Subsequently, it was used by different Coalition troops as both office space and berthing areas. Now it's being turned back over to the Iraqis. A group of us got a chance today to go inside, and here are a few photos of what we found.

This room on the top floor of the palace contains - well, it contained - a full-size pool.  You can see a corner of it in the lower right side of the picture.

Exploring a place like this gave me a lot of very different feelings, often simultaneously.  I felt a lot of curiosity, wondering what was around the next corner.  There was awe at what a bomb can do to a building.  And I admit, there was a bit of voyeurism, too: peeking into Saddam's rooms and seeing places he never intended any American to see.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Skip! I've finally caught up with your blog. fascinating and well written. We miss you in the River District - Studio Stroll coming up, ha!! I'm sure you won't miss that.
    I'm blogging now too.....just in case you need a completely apolitical escape.... http://barbarafisherstudio.blogspot.com/
    Take care, be safe and keep up the reports!
